Nina Karasek Catalogue Raisonné



NKcat01Elmar R. Gruber (ed.), Nina Karasek: Catalogue Raisonné
The Collection of Mediumistic Art, 5th revised edition, 2021.

Extensive research led to the identification of several conventional academic paintings and drawings as well as 250 mediumistic works by Nina Karasek (Joële). Since the work of the important mediumistic artist Nina Karasek has survived only fragmentarily, this Catalogue Raisonné aims at a systematic documentation of all her known works, but is inevitably susceptible to many gaps. Nevertheless, as incomplete as the compilation may be, it provides an insight into Nina Karasek's view of the world, the range of her expressive possibilities, and her artistic development.

The Catalogue Raisonné is currently only available as a PDF file. I consider it a work in progress, as some additional drawings and paintings may surface in the near future and hence the catalogue would require revision. Because of its provisional nature, the Catalogue Raisonné is intended as a working copy for researchers, collectors and curators. If you are interested in receiving a PDF copy, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..





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